
Yoga for cyclists

During the years that I’ve been cycling I’ve had one or two nasty crashes. I’ve usually recovered quite quickly from the cuts and bruises. But after one fall, when I landed on my right hip, I was left walking with a stick for a few weeks. It also left me with persistent pain in my lower back and down my left leg that went on for years.

My doctor diagnosed it as sciatica and gave me some painkillers. He sent me for some physio too. Both helped in the short term, but it wasn’t until I discovered Yoga that things improved dramatically. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t an instant remedy. But with a short series of exercises before bed each night I was soon feeling the benefit.

During a deep research on how yoga can help my recovery I found that this is a form of stretch that from power to endurance, athletes at all levels are incorporating yoga to gain an edge over the competition, and prevent injury. Yoga helps create muscular balance to prevent injury and builds a stronger support system for while we’re on the bike.

I also added the Cobra, and because it stretches the spine I found this the most beneficially for becoming pain free and is quite easy to fit Yoga into daily routine at home.

But if you need more advice and encouragement you’ll find there are all sorts of Yoga classes available wherever you live.


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